Gaia ChangeMakers Program

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The Gaia ChangeMakers Program combines fun, challenge and transformation. A camp to inspire 15 to 19 year-olds over three weeks to discover themselves, their values, inner strength and potential. The camp starts in Zurich, then Prague, and fi...


ACADEMIC - Company Visits in Switzerland and Czech Republic (circular economy, innovation, energy) - Workshops (Inner Development Goals, conflict management, leadership training, design thinking) - Game-based learning with Climate Fresk, Croptio...
College Prep

Проживание и усилитель; удобства

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In Zurich, Prague, and the Engadin accommodation will be in modern youth hostels with high safety and cleanliness standards. Rooms will be shared with other program participants of the same sex. Gender considerations may be discussed on a case-b...
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Местоположение и контакты

The nearest airport to Gaia ChangeMakers Program is Zurich. Airport pickup is available upon request. Fully-residential participants will be met and greeted at Zurich airport, or the main Zurich Train station. Transfer to/from the airport to the program will be arranged 1 day before the program begins, and up to 1 day after the program ends. Transfers from other airports or stations or on other days can be arranged and will be charged to the participant.



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This is a rare find for STEAM

Especially loved for the activity: STEAM.


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Gaia ChangeMakers Program Gaia ChangeMakers Program
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  1. Ее (Дии) преданность идее устойчивого развития вдохновляет, и это то, чему я хочу подражать в своем будущем. Самое главное, она показала мне, что устойчивое развитие не ограничивается одним сектором. Это чувство вселило в меня надежду, потому что до этого курса я думала, что карьера в области устойчивого развития ограничивается наукой об окружающей среде или городским планированием.

    (0) (0)
  2. Г-жа Канория оказала глубокое влияние на мое личностное развитие как учитель, наставник и доверенное лицо. Я с любовью вспоминаю наши совместные поездки, например, строительство домов в Румынии или плавание по деревьям в веревочном парке. Она поддерживала меня в нетипичные и нестабильные подростковые годы и мотивировала своим доверием добиваться большего в школе и за ее пределами".
    Александр Дегенхардт
    Основатель компании Cikumas GmbH
    Студентка Университета Санкт-Галлена

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  3. Дия не только вдумчива и по-настоящему заботится о своих учениках, она глубоко увлечена своим ремеслом, предоставляя учащимся наиболее эффективное и действенное образование. Таким образом, она, откровенно говоря, прокладывает путь для наших будущих учеников, учителей и ученых. Благодаря своей доброте, стремлению к переменам и страсти к преподаванию она оказала поистине огромное влияние на мое становление. Для меня было большой честью учиться у такого человека, как она, и иметь возможность называть ее наставником, учителем и примером для подражания.
    Люси Спаркс,
    Студент Маастрихтского университета

    (0) (0)
  4. Больше всего меня впечатляет видение Дии и ее способность мобилизовать других людей на осуществление задуманного. Ее энергия и целеустремленность делают ее влиятельным игроком.
    Дэвид Маркус, директор Цюрихской международной школы

    (0) (0)

Вопросы и ответы

Course Fees, Register until 3rd November 2024 – CHF 4,200 (semi-residential), CHF 5,700 (full-residential)‍
Register until 31st January 2025 – CHF 4,700 (semi-residential), CHF 6,200 (full-residential)‍
Register from 1st February 2025 – CHF 5,700 (semi-residential), CHF 7,200 (full-residential), Full-residential – includes transfer to/from Zurich airport, accommodation from 13th July to 1st August, all meals and weekend activities for the full program are covered.‍ Semi-residential – accommodation in Zurich and over the weekends is NOT provided. Transport to/from and accommodation and all meals in Prague and the Alps are included.

Once a participant has filled out the registration form, an invoice will be issued and must be paid in full by the due date to complete the registration process. Payment can be made in installments in certain cases if agreed upon with Make The Change GmbH.  To help with your planning as best as we can, until 1st January 2025, you can cancel within 2 weeks of paying for your space and get a full refund, minus a CHF 200 processing fee. With any cancellation after 2 weeks of paying, or from 1st January 2024 until 1st February 2025, you can get a 50% refund. All cancellations from 1st February 2025 onward will be fully charged.‍We advise students to take out appropriate insurance to cover cancellation due to unforeseen circumstances such as illness, inability to obtain an entry visa for Switzerland, force majeure circumstances such as events/occurrences that are out of the control of the participant or Make The Change GMBH such as, but not limited to, natural disasters, pandemics, airport strikes, accidents, technical difficulties, conflicts, fire, and bad weather conditions. No refund will be made for a shortened stay, missed activities or workshops, withdrawal or dismissal during the camp, or force majeure circumstances.

The health and safety of our participants is our top priority. Our facilitators are fully trained in first aid and we have at least one emergency responder with the group, ensuring that students are supported and cared for at all times. We conduct risk assessments for all activities and excursions to ensure a safe, enjoyable experience. This includes implementing extra safety protocols where required and having appropriate equipment for each activity. We are committed to providing a safe, nurturing environment so participants can focus on their learning and personal growth without worry.

1. Co-Facilitation Model: Facilitators work closely together using a co-facilitation model. Each facilitator brings unique skills and expertise, allowing them to divide responsibilities efficiently based on their strengths. This collaborative approach ensures that all participants receive focused guidance and supervision.

2. Small Group Focus: The facilitators will divide the participants into smaller working groups for specific activities, ensuring a more personalized and hands-on experience. Each facilitator will oversee a group, providing mentorship, guidance, and supervision tailored to their needs.

3. Participant Leadership: Leadership development is a key element of the program. Facilitators will encourage participants to take on leadership roles within the group, helping to foster responsibility, teamwork, and peer supervision. This also allows facilitators to focus on guiding rather than micromanaging.

4. Clear Communication Channels: To ensure effective supervision, the facilitators maintain clear and consistent communication. Regular check-ins and briefings are scheduled to assess participant progress, address any issues, and plan activities for the following day.

5. Expert and Partner Involvement: During certain sessions, experts and partners from collaborating organizations will assist in leading specific workshops or excursions. This ensures that participants have access to specialized knowledge.

1. Relevant Educational Background: A degree in education, environmental science, sustainability, social sciences, or related fields is preferred, with experience in youth development or outdoor education.

2. Youth Program Experience: Prior experience working with teenagers in camps, educational programs, or similar environments is essential. This includes leading group activities, workshops, and outdoor adventures.

3. First Aid and Safety Certification: All team members must hold current first aid certification. Additional qualifications in wilderness safety or risk management are highly desirable.

4. Leadership and Communication: Strong leadership, communication, and conflict resolution skills are essential. Team members should be capable of facilitating team-building activities and guiding participants through challenges.

5. Passion for Sustainability: Team members should have a deep understanding of sustainability and regenerative economics, with the ability to inspire participants to engage with these concepts.

6. Cultural Sensitivity and Inclusivity: Team members must be culturally aware and skilled at fostering an inclusive, respectful environment for participants from diverse backgrounds.

7. Adaptability and Problem-Solving: Given the dynamic nature of the program, team members must be adaptable and able to respond quickly and effectively to any challenges or changes.

8. High Ethical Standards: Team members are expected to model professionalism, responsibility, and ethical behavior, ensuring a safe and supportive environment for all participants.

Yes, We require that every team member working on any of our camps completes a police background check and provides references.

1. Pre-Camp Orientation: All staff participate in an orientation covering the program’s core operational and safety protocols, and themes—sustainability, regenerative economics, and systems thinking. This ensures consistency in delivering the program’s mission to participants.

2. Safety and First Aid Certification: Staff are trained in basic first aid and activity-specific safety protocols.

3. Child Protection and Safeguarding: Staff receive training in child protection, assisting them to recognize and address physical and emotional safety concerns, including preventing and handling bullying.

4. Feedback and Improvement: Post-program evaluation sessions allow team members to reflect on their performance, gather feedback from campers and peers, and improve their facilitation and teaching techniques for future sessions.

Diversity and inclusion are fundamental values woven into our program. We celebrate the unique perspectives, cultures, and backgrounds that each participant brings, fostering an environment of respect, empathy, and collaboration.
Our curriculum actively promotes inclusivity, encouraging open discussions around diversity, global issues, and shared experiences. We believe in creating a space where every student feels valued and heard. To ensure this, we have a strict zero-tolerance policy for any form of discrimination or bullying.

We are committed to building an inclusive community where all participants feel safe, supported, and empowered to contribute to positive change.


1. Respect for Others: All participants are expected to treat fellow campers, staff, and local communities with respect. This includes respecting different opinions, cultures, and personal space.

2. Inclusivity: We foster an inclusive environment where diversity is celebrated. Bullying, discrimination, or any form of harassment will not be tolerated.

3. Responsibility: Campers are responsible for their actions and are expected to take care of the environment and materials used in workshops. Participation in all activities is encouraged, and safety instructions must be followed.

4. Positive Attitude: We promote a positive, open-minded attitude toward learning, challenges, and teamwork. Participants should be willing to try new things and collaborate.

5. No Substance Use: The use of drugs, alcohol, or any prohibited substances is strictly forbidden during the camp.

6. Commitment to Learning: Participants are expected to engage actively in workshops, projects, and discussions. Disruptive behavior is discouraged, and continuous engagement is highly encouraged.

7. Digital Etiquette: Responsible use of technology is required. Phones or devices should not interfere with group activities or learning experiences.


1. Health and Safety Measures: The camp ensures proper health and safety measures, including regular sanitation, safe food handling, and health checks where necessary.

2. Emergency Procedures: An emergency response plan is in place for each location (Zurich, Prague, Swiss Alps).

3. Risk Assessment: Before each activity or excursion, a risk assessment is conducted, and additional activity specific safety measures are put in place where required.

4. Participant Briefing: All participants will be briefed before any excursion or activity on the safety protocols, what to do in case of emergencies, and whom to contact in case of problems.

5. Medical Support: We have a first-aid responder on-site at all times. A medical kit is available, and the nearest emergency medical services are decided ahead of time.

6. Curfew and Check-ins: There will be a curfew for all residential students, and check-ins are conducted multiple times a day to ensure the well-being of all participants.

7. Parental Contact: In the case of any emergencies or incidents, parents/guardians will be immediately contacted and kept informed of the situation.

We encourage students to develop healthy digital habits. To foster engagement and meaningful connections, mobile phones are not permitted during structured activities or mealtimes unless specifically required for the activity.
During free time, students may use their phones, but we promote balance and mindfulness in digital use, ensuring that their focus remains on the transformative experiences the camp provides.

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ACADEMIC - Company Visits in Switzerland and Czech Republic (circular economy, innovation, energy) - Workshops (Inner Development Goals, conflict management, leadership training, design thinking) - Game-based learning with Climate Fresk, Croptions game (Regenerative economics), Simulating bringing a village out of poverty). - Speakers (pioneers, entrepreneurs, artists) - Projects to solve real problems- Glacier hike, overnight stay, and glacier clean up. - Painting a mural in a Swiss Village to communicate a message to the World
SOCIAL - Staying in a Swiss Mountain Hut, an experience in its own right.- Hiking - Picnics - Swimming in the pristine Swiss lakes - Musical Concert on the glacier (as a participant, or audience!) - Chocolate Factory and Museum tours - Sightseeing and learning about the rich cultural history of Prague and Zurich

Включенные мероприятия

College Prep
Культурная оценка
Однодневные туры
Относящийся к окружающей среде
Общие академические дисциплины
Пешие прогулки
Целенаправленное развитие социальных навыков
Развитие лидерства
Музыка – Инструментальный
Nature Exposure
Философия/Логика/Критическое мышление
Публичные выступления/дебаты
Wilderness Trips

Дополнительные мероприятия

Однодневные туры
Пешие прогулки
Курс веревок

Академические науки

Уроки языка


The daily and weekly outline can be explored in our prospectus:

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