International Camp Sancelso

Welcome to International Camp Sancelso

International Camp Sancelso offers a summer camp in English in a relaxed and comfortable international environment with teachers and friends of different nationalities. Our holidays for kids and teenagers aim at language learning, cultural integration and the creation of new friendships between young people from different countries.

Why we love it

Good to know


International Camp Sancelso offers a summer camp in English in a relaxed and comfortable international environment with teachers and friends of different nationalities. Our holidays for kids and teenagers aim at language learning, cultural integration and the creation of new friendships between young people from different countries.
We have a long family history in education (Istituto San Celso in Milan) and experience in this field: now in our fourth generation, we have been organizing summer camps in Italy since 1955 in Bellamonte (TN) and Castione della Presolana (BG). Our decades of experience have led us to select this type of method: experiencing everyday life is what enables us to achieve the goals we have set ourselves. For this reason, as a didactic method we choose playful recreational routines such as sports, role-playing games, art, craft, science and cooking workshops all in English by mother tongue, Italians and foreigners educators with Celta, IELTS, TOEFL or similar certification: this allows us to create a truly international atmosphere!
We are convinced that living in the mountains is a fundamental experience: this is why we offer a holiday in nature and in the open air, with unusual and truly educational experiences such as hiking, orientation and ethology. A typical day at Camp is spent outdoors: group sports and activities such as paintball, e-bike, horse riding experience, climbing, archery, summer bob and visits to the adventure park and water park.
Thanks to this, our Camp also prove to be a moment of authentic growth in close contact with nature.
The programs differ according to the age of the participants, but the common goal is to help them grow up more open-minded, sporty, safe, aware and environmentally friendly.
Our educators follow children and teenagers with great dedication, putting health and safety first.
During games, activities and life together, participants will have the opportunity to learn and get to know the Italian language and culture, which will again be assimilated spontaneously and naturally. We firmly believe in the idea of cultural exchange in order to form true citizens of the world!
What's more, we also pay great attention to nutrition! We offer menus suitable for young sportsmen and sportswomen using organic and Km 0 ingredients, with a lot of attention to special diets.


Sancelso International Camp takes place at "Villa Sancelso" in Castione della Presolana, in Val Seriana, a small village at 900 m altitude at the foot of the Presolana Massif and Mount Pora. Our villa and the surrounding 14.000 m² of grounds and sports facilities are completely reserved for kids throughout the duration of the summer camp. Located at the beginning of the village, it is in a quiet position but at the same time very close to the center to which it is also connected by a safe pedestrian path in the middle of the green.
The Villa area is right next to the Parco Regionale delle Orobie Bergamasche, a beautiful mountain forest park with peaks of over 3.000 m and extensive valleys and forests; it is the largest protected natural area in all of Lombardy, a magnificent green area of great charm!

Participants are accommodated in 3 or 4 bed rooms with private bathrooms.
Villa Sancelso has a spacious living room on the ground floor with a bar and television corner, a very large open-plan living room with a glass window overlooking the courtyard and trees in the park, a spacious dining room with an adjoining bright glassed-in living room with a large fireplace; on the floors, a reading room overlooking the balcony, a fitness/psychomotricity room, a study/projection room, three comfortable and reserved activity rooms in a dedicated wing, and in the basement a large tavern/game room (table tennis, table soccer) also designed for theater, disco and film projections! Outside, a grass soccer field and a beautiful beach volleyball court.
The aim is to offer hospitality and livability to children and teenagers carefully considering their needs and necessities to guarantee them the perfect holiday!

The Villa is easily accessible from the major cities of Northern Italy: it is in fact situated 90 Km from Milan, 70 from Brescia, only 40 from the city of Bergamo and 45 from Caravaggio Orio al Serio International Airport (BG).

Shared Bedrooms

Max 4 campers per room

Ensuite Bathrooms

Room with ensuite bathroom


Dining Room
Arts room
Games Room
Soccer Court
Volleyball Court


Sports, hiking in the mountains, visits to local attractions, games (role-playing games, art, craft, science and cooking workshops), theme evenings and evening activities (among others, film, karaoke and disco night). In addition, every week we propose two activities freely chosen by the participants: paintball (suitable only from 8 years of age), e-bike (suitable only from 12 years of age), water park, combo (archery + summer bob), horseback riding experience, adventure park and indoor climbing.

Academic Courses


Language Lessons

Participation in the International Camp Sancelso includes full immersion in English; Italian lessons (language and Culture) will be held on request for foreign participants.


5h lessons /w

5h of lessons per week will be taught


Contact the camp

+39 026551716


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  1. Francesco C. (2021)
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    Ringrazio anche per la bella settimana e per la bellissima esperienza vissuta dai bambini.
    Un saluto e speriamo di rivedersi il prossimo anno

    I also thank you for the beautiful week and the wonderful experience the children had.
    Greetings and hope to see you again next year

  2. Marta B.
    Quality of Teaching

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    Extracurricular Activities


    …nove giorni e si parte per la nuova avventura 2022!…il 2021 è stata una gran bella scoperta di grandi amicizie che durano ancora oggi. Buona vacanza ragazzi e buon estate a tutti i membri del Camp Sancelso!

    …nine days and it’s off to the new 2022 adventure!…2021 was a great discovery of great friendships that last to this day. Happy vacation guys and have a great summer to all Camp Sancelso members!

  3. Marta S.
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    […] gruppo 1 felicissima della settimana trascorsa spera di ripetere l’anno prossimo con le amiche a cui manda un grande ciao

    […] group 1 overjoyed with the week spent hopes to repeat next year with friends to whom she sends a big hello

  4. Amny M.
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    Mio figlio si è trovato molto bene, anche per quanto riguarda la full immersion nella lingua inglese

    My son got along very well, including the full immersion in the English language

  5. Asia P.
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    […] (del gruppo 2) e’ rimasto contentissimo dell’esperienza e ci ha già detto che l’anno prossimo vorrà ripeterla
    Si è fatto molti amici che spera di trovare sia la prossima estate che magari durante l’anno

    […] (from group 2) was delighted with the experience and has already told us he would like to repeat it next year
    He has made many friends whom he hopes to find both next summer and perhaps throughout the year

  6. Ta M.
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    Emozionante. Adesso in bocca al lupo a me per subirmi gli sbalzi di umore di mio figlio. Grazie mille.

    Exciting. Now good luck to me to undergo my son’s mood swings. Thank you very much.

  7. Ilaria S.
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    Grazie a voi per essere stati accoglienti e comprensivi. Questa prima esperienza di mia figlia è stata fantastica. Grazie di cuore

    Thank you for being welcoming and understanding. This first experience for my daughter has been great. Thank you from the bottom of my heart

  8. Nicole T.
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    Sicuramente un’esperienza che ha contribuito ad arricchire il percorso di crescita di mio figlio […]. Grazie 

    Definitely an experience that helped enrich my son […]’s growth path. Thank you

  9. Elisabetta C.
    Quality of Teaching

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    Extracurricular Activities


    Grazie a tutti, […] felicissima dell’esperienza vissuta. Ci vediamo l’anno prossimo!!! 

    Thank you all, […] overjoyed with the experience. See you next year!!!

  10. Cesira B.
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    […] ne parla ancora adesso e dopo aver fatto tante esperienze all’estero in college inglesi ed irlandesi, ha affermato che questa è stata l’esperienza più internazionale………Grazie di cuore.

    […] still talks about it now, and after having had so many experiences abroad in English and Irish colleges, she said this was the most international experience………Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

  11. Annalisa R.
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    Esperienza positiva e formativa. Un grazie di cuore da […] (Gruppo 5) ai nuovi compagni conosciuti durante il Campus e agli educatori che hanno reso piacevole il soggiorno.
    Positive and formative experience. A heartfelt thank you from […] (Group 5) to the new friends met during the Campus and to the educators who made the stay enjoyable.

  12. Loredana A.
    Quality of Teaching

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    Mia figlia di 9 anni è tornata ieri dal suo primo camp. È stata un’esperienza straordinaria ed indimenticabile. Ripeterà certamente l’anno prossimo. Grazie a tutto lo staff di cuore.

    My 9-year-old daughter returned yesterday from her first camp. It was an amazing and unforgettable experience. She will certainly repeat next year. Thank you to all the staff from the bottom of my heart.

  13. Maria Vittoria C.
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    Grazie di cuore a tutte e a tutti. Anche per mio figlio è stata un’esperienza molto bella.

    Thank you from the bottom of my heart to all and sundry. It was also a very good experience for my son.

  14. Raffaella M.
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    Grazie per la bella esperienza che avete fatto vivere a mia figlia 

    Thank you for the beautiful experience you gave my daughter

  15. Marina S.
    Quality of Teaching

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    Un’esperienza magnifica per i nostri figli, un’organizzazione impeccabile per noi genitori!
    Entusiasmo contagioso al ritorno dal campo e non si fa altro che parlare del prossimo anno!

    A wonderful experience for our children, impeccable organization for us parents!
    Infectious enthusiasm upon returning from camp and all we do is talk about next year!

  16. Daniela T. (2022)
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    sono la mamma di […] e volevo ringraziarvi per la bellissima esperienza che mio figlio ha fatto nel vostro summer camp. Si è divertito molto e ha fatto nuove amicizie. I ragazzi sono rimasti in contatto e si sono promessi di ritornare il prossimo anno. Penso che quello che fate sia molto importante per i ragazzi, soprattutto dopo questi anni di covid.

  17. Stefania G. (2022)
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    Sono la mamma di […] gruppo 6 dell’ultima settimana. 
    Ho aspettato a recensire per avere ulteriore riscontro dai racconti di mia figlia.
    Basterebbe dire che il secondo giorno ha detto: “mamma appena torno iniziò a mettere i soldi da parte per l’anno prossimo”.  
    Ma ci tengo ad aggiungere che la mia ricerca di diversi mesi per questa nuova esperienza ha avuto il suo esito positivo.
    Tutto ha rispecchiato l’impressione che ho avuto sin da subito dalla professionalità del sito, alla disponibilità e prontezza nella richiesta di chiarimenti per mail e per telefono. 
    Ci aspettavamo cose buone, ma il camp ha superato le nostre aspettative in termini di organizzazione, professionalità, precisione, attenzione ai singoli dettagli. Ho apprezzato notevolmente la richiesta di tampone all’arrivo e il controllo pediculosi. E successivamente tutte le attività, la gestione dei gruppi, il cibo, le regole di convivenza, l’operato degli educatori, l’assenza di smartphone (anche perché nostra figlia non ne fa l’utilizzo comune dei suoi coetanei!).
    Mia figlia sogna “questa vita” da tempo e appena ho capito fosse pronta ho iniziato la mia ricerca. Studia lingue ed è appassionata delle diverse culture. La scelta quindi è stata dettata anche dal fatto che fosse un camp internazionale e mi è bastato che mia figlia fosse in stanza (non a caso!) con due ragazze straniere. 
    Non so quanto il suo livello di inglese abbia avuto una crescita, lei lo afferma perché con le ragazze (tranne che nelle situazioni di gruppo tra loro) e con gli educatori, lo ha sempre ascoltato e parlato. 
    Ma rispetto a tutto il resto e capendo da subito cosa si sarebbe portata dentro, questo non rappresentava l’unica priorità. 
    Vi ringrazio per la bella realtà che rappresentate, perché pur essendo una neofita, posso affermare che sono pienamente soddisfatta. 
    Alice la cosa più bella? 
    – il camp out 
    La cosa più brutta ? 
    – non c’è! 
    Al ritorno le abbiamo fatto trovare un nuovo salvadanaio:”ben tornata e … buon viaggio ‘!”.
    Al prossimo anno! 

    I am the mom of […] group 6 last week.
    I waited to review to get further feedback from my daughter’s stories.
    Suffice it to say that on the second day she said, “mom as soon as I get back I started putting money aside for next year.”
    But I would like to add that my search of several months for this new experience had its positive outcome.
    Everything reflected the impression I had right from the start from the professionalism of the site, to the helpfulness and promptness in asking for clarification by email and phone.
    We expected good things, but the camp exceeded our expectations in terms of organization, professionalism, accuracy, and attention to individual details. I greatly appreciated the swab request on arrival and the pediculosis check. And subsequently all the activities, the management of the groups, the food, the rules of coexistence, the work of the educators, the absence of smartphones (also because our daughter does not make the common use of them by her peers!).
    My daughter has been dreaming of “this life” for a long time, and as soon as I realized she was ready I began my search. She studies languages and is passionate about different cultures. So the choice was also dictated by the fact that it was an international camp and it was enough for me that my daughter was rooming (not surprisingly!) with two foreign girls.
    I don’t know how much her English level grew, she says because with the girls (except in group situations with each other) and with the educators, she always listened and spoke it.
    But compared to everything else and understanding early on what she would bring in, this was not the only priority.
    I thank you for the beautiful reality that you represent, because although I am a neophyte, I can say that I am fully satisfied.
    Alice the most beautiful thing?
    – the camp out
    The ugliest thing?
    – there is not!
    On our return we made her find a new piggy bank:”welcome back and…have a good trip!”.
    Until next year!

  18. L. Y. (2021)
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    Extracurricular Activities


    It was a perfect summer camp. Thanks for taking care the kids in the past one week.
    You all are super nice.
    It would be their unforgettable memory for the life time!
    Wish you all the best and take care and hope to see you again in the coming years:)

  19. Y. J. (2021)
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    Just wanted to say Thank You to you and all of your colleagues. My son was glad to see me, but he immediately told me when he got off the bus that he would like to return to Bellamonte next year. I asked him when he had made the decision, he said it was the moment when he left the camp and said thank you and good bye to his friends and counselors. He said he had already started to miss them. 
    His first words after waking up this morning was, we should have finished our breakfast if I were in Bellamonte, and then he sung ‘watermelon sugar high……’
    He has clearly grown up a lot, and he has so many camp stories to share. Thank you again for all you have done. We wish you all the best with the last week of the camp. Please keep us posted about the next year. 
    Take care and be well

  20. Carolina M. G.
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    Thank you so much for everything! It was an amazing experience for my kids!

  21. Federica V.
    Quality of Teaching

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    Extracurricular Activities


    My children said they had such a great time at the camp. They really enjoyed all the activities, the tutors and the new friends. The two dogs are very sweet and adorable. They liked walking in the mountain trails. Great experience! Thank you!

  22. Elisabetta P.
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    Extracurricular Activities


    Fantastic experience in an amazing setting! Great people and staff manages to entertain everybody in simple way: the right place to make wonderful friendship

  23. Gerasimos K.
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    Amazing experience for the kids!

  24. Carla H.
    Quality of Teaching

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    Extracurricular Activities


    Such a nice camp. My kids had the time of their lives, made many friends and long lasting memories and they are already planning their return “with their new friends” for next year!

  25. Debora B.
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    Amazing camp in one of the most beautiful place, where it’s the possibility to make friends. Let’s do this!!

  26. Testimonial
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    Non so come, quest’anno, i ragazzi abbiano ‘mangiato’ l’inglese.
    Quello che so è che nostra figlia di 9 anni, questo agosto ha parlato inglese con la sua amichetta tedesca, per tre settimane di seguito e, per di più, riuscivano a capirsi.

  27. Testimonial
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    Extracurricular Activities


    The perfect place for kids to approach the English language and at the same time experience nature in an environment full of energy and fun activities.

  28. Testimonial
    Quality of Teaching

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    Extracurricular Activities


    Ringrazio anche per la bella settimana e per la bellissima esperienza vissuta dai bambini.
    Un saluto e speriamo di rivedersi il prossimo anno

  29. Testimonial
    Quality of Teaching

    Safety and Supervision

    Campus and Facilities

    Extracurricular Activities


    It was a perfect summer camp. Thanks for taking care the kids in the past one week.
    My daughter said you all are super nice.
    It would be their unforgettable memory for the life time!
    Wish you all the best and take care and hope to see you again in the coming years 🙂

  30. Testimonial
    Quality of Teaching

    Safety and Supervision

    Campus and Facilities

    Extracurricular Activities


    Just wanted to say Thank You to you and all of your colleagues. My son was glad to see me, but he immediately told me when he got off the bus that he would like to return next year. I asked him when he had made the decision, he said it was the moment when he left the camp and said thank you and good bye to his friends and counselors. He said he had already started to miss them. 
    He has clearly grown up a lot, and he has so many camp stories to share. Thank you again for all you have done. We wish you all the best with the last week of the camp. Please keep us posted about the next year.

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How to get to there

Address: Via Risorgimento, 42 – 24020 Castione della Presolana (BG) Italy
Closest Airport: Il Caravaggio Orio al Serio International Airport; Milano-Malpensa International Airport; Milano-Linate International Airport; Verona “Valerio Catullo” Airport.
Airport Pickup: for those who wish, we can provide information to better organize your private transportation.

Things to know

Cancellation Policy

In case of cancellation the participant must pay: 50% of the fee if the cancellation is communicated in writing up to 30 days before the beginning of the stay or 100% if the cancellation is communicated in writing after that date.

Covid Measures


Health & Safety

Nursery service available on site 24/7 and access to further medical assistance; in any case the communication with the family will be clear and timely.

Staff & Student Ratio

1 : 10, but for 6-8 year olds the ratio is usually 1 to 5.

Contact International Camp Sancelso

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    Contact International Camp Sancelso