Campi invernali internazionali di Les Elfes

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Valutazione e punti salienti


1. During winter, students are invited to learn or improve on their ski/snowboard skills in Verbier, one of the most famous resorts in Switzerland! Situated at 1’500, in the heart of the Swiss Alps, Verbier offers 410 km of slopes and has been a...


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Ski, Snowboard, Snowshoeing, Ice Skating, Climbing, Paragliding ( extra cost ), Excursions ( various destinations in Switzerland, Italy and France ), In-House Games ( Team Games, Olympic Games, Quizzes etc ), Zip lines. Winter camp Les Elfes Int...
Gite di un giorno
Pattinaggio sul ghiaccio
Nature Exposure

Alloggio e alloggio strutture

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Privately owned chalet with in-house ski-room, cinema room, fireplace, piano, games room, pool table, fussball and more
Sala delle arti
Campo da basket
Sala da pranzo
Sala giochi


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Posizione e contatto

The nearest airport to Les Elfes International Winter Camps is Geneva Airport. Airport pickup is available upon request. Les Elfes has a booth available across from the arrival hall to welcome all students at the beginning of each session



Disponibile da dicembre ad aprile

Soggiorno minimo 1 settimana
Questa è una scoperta rara per Ski & Snowboard

Particolarmente amato per l'attività: Sci & Snowboard.


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Campi invernali internazionali di Les Elfes Campi invernali internazionali di Les Elfes
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  1. Grazie mille per tutto.

    Nostro figlio è assolutamente stupito e più che felice di aver trascorso questa meravigliosa settimana al vostro campo invernale. Non possiamo sentirci più orgogliosi e felici di vederlo così fiero del suo lavoro e di essersi divertito così tanto. Vi ringraziamo profondamente per l'incredibile lavoro e per l'entusiasta e fantastico team di Les Elfes che sta dietro a questo successo e a questa felicità.

    (0) (0)

Domande e risposte

The cost of the trip cancellation covers the cancellation of the trip due to illness or accident of the participant or death of one of family members. To claim the insurance, the participant has to fill in adequate proof such as medical certificate on illness from a certified medical practitioner or the death certificate. It is mandatory for every participant to pay for these costs. The premium is 80CHF per week and covers all the land package. The Policy covers the full value of the camp fee without any deductions and is enforceable after the full camp fee including options that has been received by Les Elfes Int SA and is valid in case of cancellation from one month to one day before the beginning of the registered session. If this insurance is not valid please refer to point 2 of Les Elfes Int SA general conditions. If the student get injured and has to leave the camp before the scheduled date, Les Elfes Int SA will reimburse the value of the missed stay.

1) Nurse on Campus 2) Security Camera around the campus 3) Night Guard on Duty 4) 3 Medical centers within walking distance from the camp + hospital within a 30-min ride 5) Criminal background check for all staff + mandatory training week for all new counselors 6) Use of professionally qualified mountain guides for activities with a higher risk element (rock climbing, bridge swing…) 7) Risk assessment carried out for all activities offered 8) 40% of the workforce employed year-round guaranteeing experience and safety of children 9) Kitchen staff trained to pay attention to allergies and special diets 10) Fire Drill exercise at the beginning of each camp session 11) Swim test mandatory before the first water activity
Il rapporto tra insegnanti e studenti è di 1 : 7

The campus is supervised by a resort manager with more than 10-year experience managing camps for children. Below the resort manager is a team of Activity Managers. Activity Managers carry a daily meeting with the staff and supervise the work of our camp counselors and instructors all day long. In the winter, all ski and snowboard instructors are accredited by the official Swiss Ski School, and in the summer each instructor is specialized in the different sports offered at Les Elfes. Transportation around the resort is being done using our private 8+ minivans which are driven by the Les Elfes team of drivers. The kitchen team is also present to cook balanced and varied meals for children and cather to any food restrictions or allergies campers might have.

  • Previous experience with children
  • First Aid training
  • BASI Level I ski/snowmboard (for winter camp)
  • Criminal Background check
  • Children Safeguarding Level III for managers

A Les Elfes abbiamo una grande responsabilità per la sicurezza dei bambini in tutte le attività. Tutto il nostro personale deve avere un controllo dei casellari giudiziari aggiornato prima di iniziare la formazione presso Les Elfes.

Settimane di formazione

Tutto il nostro nuovo staff estivo e invernale segue un corso di formazione di due settimane prima dell'inizio di ogni stagione, combinando una settimana di formazione tecnica e una settimana per apprendere e conoscere la Filosofia di Les Elfes.

La nostra formazione per ogni stagione include un corso di aggiornamento sul primo soccorso, formazione per bagnini, sicurezza antincendio, sensibilizzazione sulla protezione dei bambini e formazione sulle nostre procedure operative standard e sui piani d'azione di emergenza.

In inverno tutti i nostri maestri di sci e snowboard possiedono la qualifica di insegnamento di sci e snowboard e sono inoltre accreditati dalla Scuola svizzera di sci ufficiale di Verbier dopo una settimana di allenamento e valutazione con uno dei loro istruttori.

Our summer training includes an intensive training in our core activities including: orienteering and safety on the mountains, rock climbing, mountain biking and water activities. We also hire specific mountain guides with teaching and leading qualifications in some of these areas to ensure the campers not only get the best out of their activities and learn from the Staff, but are safe throughout.

75+ nationalities, bi-lingual instructors, special diets available (halal, vegetarian). At Les Elfes, we celebrate the rich mosaic of cultural diversity, we prioritize creating an inclusive environment where every student, irrespective of their origin, beliefs, or appearance, feels heard and respected. It is the international atmosphere at Les Elfes which makes the camp such a special place. It is a really significant experience for young people to travel away from home and to spend time with new friends from around the world. Our students come to us hoping to improve their languages, learn some new snowboard skills or mountain bike for the first time, but it is the friendships they take home with them that truly shape their time with us. Our language courses, sports programs, and even our evening activities support our camp model of integration for all ages and ethnicities allowing our students to benefit from a  mix of cultural variety and to build bonds that will last a lifetime

Each staff member has to adhere to a 40+ page handbook detailing all of Les Elfes’ Standard Operating Procedures

The general rule is that mobile phones can only be used from 16:00 – 19:00 and on excursion day. Older students (15+) may be given more phone time but never during the night.



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Ski, Snowboard, Snowshoeing, Ice Skating, Climbing, Paragliding ( extra cost ), Excursions ( various destinations in Switzerland, Italy and France ), In-House Games ( Team Games, Olympic Games, Quizzes etc ), Zip lines.

Campo invernale Les Elfes International offre sessioni di campo sciistico invernale della durata da 1 a 4 settimane a Verbier, la migliore stazione sciistica della Svizzera e della Svizzera. Europa, per bambini e ragazzi ragazzi dai 6 ai 17 anni.

Oltre alle nostre lezioni di sci e snowboard di un'intera giornata, Les Elfes International offre un programma completo di attività après-ski e serali. I campeggiatori possono scegliere tra una vasta gamma di attività del campo invernale per bambini, tra cui slittino, costruzione di igloo, escursione con fiaccole, discoteca, pattinaggio su ghiaccio, hockey, costruzione di pupazzi di neve e molto altro. Scegli Les Elfes International per l'esperienza del campo sciistico invernale di tuo figlio!


I 450 km di piste di Verbier sono a disposizione anche degli snowboarder per divertirsi, per la prima volta sulla neve, consigliamo di iniziare con lo sci per prendere confidenza con questo sport


I 450 km di piste di Verbier sono a disposizione anche degli snowboarder, ma per i principianti della neve consigliamo di sciare perché comporta meno rischi di infortuni

Other services are available for an additional price:
- Ski Accessories purchase (goggles, gloves, hoddies, socks): 190 CHF per lesson
- Full Ski/snowboard equipment rental : 125 (ski) CHF per week / 140 (snowboard) per week
- Ski clothes rental: 108 CHF per week
- Paragliding: 180 CHF per flight
- Laundry: 60 CHF per bag
- Photo package: 50 CHF
- 3-min HD ski movie: CHF 310
- Airport pick up: 170 CHF return ticket from Geneva/ 80 CHF from Martigny

Attività incluse

Gite di un giorno
Pattinaggio sul ghiaccio
Nature Exposure
Arrampicata su roccia
Skiing (Cross Country)
Sci (discesa)
Racchette da neve
Linea Zip

Attività facoltative

Travel – outside the U.S.


Lezioni di lingua


08:00 – 08:30 wake-up & Breakfast

08:45 meeting with group leader to talk about the day’s activity (what to wear, what to bring, and what to expect)

09:00 -12:00 Ski/snowboard Lesson

12:00 lunch in private high-altitude restaurant

13:00 – 15:30 ski/snowboard

16:00 – 16:45 shower & sign ups

17:00 -19:00 village visit OR optional activity OR language classes

19:00 Dinner

20:00 Evening games

21:30/22:00 bedtime (depending on age)

Special Events:

1x per week: choice of different excursion destination (full day)


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