San Patricio Toledo Summer Camps
Calificación y aspectos destacados
- Gran programa
- Various Activities -VA & Photo/ Robotics/Sports
- Experience - Premium
- Ambiente seguro
Descripción general
- 3-16 son
- Coeducación
- Máximo 350 campistas
- Inglés
- Disponible de julio a julio.
- Estancia mínima 2 semanas
- Fecha de fundación: no facilitada
Alojamiento y estancia instalaciones
Ubicación y contacto
Nearest airport
Especialmente amado por la actividad: Multiactividad.
5 estrellas | 100 | 100% |
4 estrellas | 0% | |
3 estrellas | 0% | |
2 estrellas | 0% | |
1 estrella | 0% |
Lo siento, no hay reseñas que coincidan con sus selecciones actuales
Preguntas y respuestas
CANCELLATION, NOT SHOWING UP, AND/OR ABANDONMENT OF THE PROGRAM BY THE REGISTERED PARTICIPANT In the event that the registered participant decides to cancel the contracted Program, they must notify ISSPT or CSP in writing through the following email addresses: – for cases corresponding to Toledo – for cases corresponding to Madrid In cases of cancellation, the registered student will lose the entire deposit, as well as any expenses incurred by the school, such as bookings made for excursions, accommodation, insurance, organized transport, etc. For information purposes, the withdrawal and cancellation policy includes the following cases: – Deposits are not refundable. However, if the registered participant withdraws from the contract within 7 days from their registration, having made the payment of the corresponding deposit, ISSPT or CSP will return the amounts paid without withholding any amount. – Full refund if written cancellation is received six (6) weeks or more prior to the start of the camp/activity. – Partial refund of 50% if the cancellation is made between 6 weeks and 30 days before the start of the activity. – No refund if written cancellation is received less than 30 days before the start of the activity/camp. – The enrolled participant will not be entitled to any refund if they, or their parents or legal guardians, voluntarily abandon the Program once it has started. – Nor will there be any refund in cases of expulsion of the participant due to breach of the disciplinary rules set forth in section 8 of this document or due to personal circumstances (health, physical, behavioral, or psychological problems, as well as damage to student property or third parties involved in the program) that interrupt the normal coexistence, running, security, or proper functioning of the program.
Camp Director- Day Camp Coordinator- Global Camp Coordinator- Residence Responsible- Specilists- Language Teachers- Monitors- Nurse
Freetime monitorsSafeguarding formationSpeclist titulations in their roles
Yes. This is a mandatory check in our staff selection process.
We have several staff training before Camp start and safeguarding requirements.
We are an international school with a good experience creating and inclusive atmosphere.
We have a Campers Handbook and this documment is provided to the campers before camps start.
Use of phones are regulated.
Mobile phones are keep it by staff and give the campers back everyday at evening to contac home
Ha sido una muy buena experiencia y hemos aprendido a surfear
Ha sido super guay!!!!
Hemos hecho un montón de cosas muy divertidas y he estado con mis amigos
Nos divertimos muchísimo y la comida estuvo excelente, quiero volver el año que viene.
No quería ir al campamento este año, pero me gustó mucho. Mi inglés ha mejorado y ya no tengo tanto miedo de hacer presentaciones.