Auersperg-International Summer Camp
Calificación y aspectos destacados
- Family-Run, Safe Environment and Individual Care
- Enriching Educational and Multi-Activity Program
- Experiencia en entorno internacional
- Idyllic Location in the Austrian Alps
Descripción general
- 8-15 son
- Coeducación
- Máximo 35 campistas
- Inglés
- Disponible de julio a julio.
- Estancia mínima 1 semana
- Desde 2006
Alojamiento y estancia instalaciones
Ubicación y contacto
Aeropuerto más cercano
The nearest airport to Auersperg-International Summer Camp is Innsbruck: 1 hour, Munich: 1,5 hours, Salzburg: 2 hours, Vienna: 3 hours. Airport pickup is available upon request. We offer an accompanied transfer service to and from Vienna Airport, Vienna Main Station, Salzburg Main Station, and Innsbruck Main Station, available for an additional charge. On departure day, children will be accmpanied to the airport, and our staff will assist with the check-in procedures.
Focused on Languages for an enriched camp experience.

5 estrellas | 100 | 100% |
4 estrellas | 0% | |
3 estrellas | 0% | |
2 estrellas | 0% | |
1 estrella | 0% |
Lo siento, no hay reseñas que coincidan con sus selecciones actuales
Preguntas y respuestas
60 days preterm no cancellation fee. 59 days up to 45 days preterm cancellation fee 25% of full amount. 44 days up to 31 days preterm cancellation fee 50% of full amount. 30 days up to 0 days preterm no refund. Early leaving no refund. In case of „no show“ no refund
Directors: Sofia and Nico Auersperg, the owners of Auersperg-International Summer Camp, are present at the camp at all times to ensure smooth operations and personal oversight. Camp Leader: Oversees the implementation of all organizational processes, schedules, and guidelines at the camp. This role includes planning, executing, and supervising the camp’s programs and activities. Activity Coordinator: Organizes and manages the outdoor program as well as all leisure activities, ensuring a fun and engaging experience for campers. Camp Counselor: Supports the Activity Coordinator in planning and leading activities while also providing general supervision and care for the campers.
Camp Leader: Degree in camp management and education.Extensive experience in managing camps or youth programs.Ability to handle logistical planning and coordinate staff.Native or equivalent in German and/or English. Activity Coordinator: Previous experience leading outdoor activities for children. Qualifications in outdoor leadership, adventure programming, or physical education. Certifications in specific activities such as hiking, climbing, or swimming.Native or equivalent in German and/or English. Teachers: Native or equivalent in the language being taught. Degree, certification or equivalent in teaching German or English as a second language. Prior teaching experience, preferably with children.Familiarity with interactive and immersive language teaching methods. Ability to integrate language learning with creative activities and games.
Nuestro hijo disfrutó de su campamento y me gustaría agradecerles por su amabilidad y atención.
Tuvo una experiencia inolvidable y quedó muy feliz contigo.
Gracias por todo su esfuerzo para asegurarse de que estuviera encantado.
Gracias por la maravillosa experiencia del campamento.
Emilia disfrutó mucho de sus dos semanas y regresó llena de entusiasmo y con algunos nuevos amigos.
Muchas gracias por cuidarla.
Queríamos agradecerle calurosamente las estupendas vacaciones que Donatien pudo pasar en Austria gracias a usted. Donatien quedó muy contento con todas las actividades y el grupo. Gracias también por habernos encargado de los traslados.
Mi esposa y yo queremos agradecerle la forma en que ha cuidado a Prem estos días. Estamos muy contentos de habernos decidido por vuestro campamento. No sabemos si nos volveremos a ver pero seguro que siempre te recordaremos. Para Prem han sido unas de las mejores vacaciones de su vida. ¡Gracias por todo!