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Creating a Great Childhood Memory: Key Things to Look for in Your Child's Summer Camp
How to choose summer camp
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Now that you have a child of your own, your childhood memories of the first time at summer camp have taken on a new significance. Pretty soon it will be time to pass the torch to the next generation and pass on those fond memories to your own son or daughter.

That means finding the right summer camp for that very first outdoor adventure, and as an adult, you may not quite know what to look for. After all, it has been at least a few decades since you first laced up your hiking boots, put up your tent, and went swimming at the lake. If you need a kid-friendly refresher course in what to look for, here are a few key things to think about.

Things to Look for in Your Child’s Summer Camp

A Variety of Indoor and Outdoor Activities

Summer camp will mean something different to every child, and being away from home gives young people a chance to try out new things and find out what they like. That is why it is important to look for a summer camp that offers a wide variety of activities for campers to enjoy.

Keep in mind that it does sometimes rain on those summer camp adventures, so look for a facility that is prepared. Does the camp provide both indoor and outdoor activities, and do they have contingency plans in place for when Mother Nature does not cooperate?

Experienced Counselors

The quality of the counselors can make or break the camping experience for first-time visitors, so ask about the experiences of the staff and their qualifications. It is vital that the members of the staff be not only well trained and competent but caring and compassionate as well.

Good camp counselors do more than lead nature hikes and talk about birds and beetles. They also know how to handle the nervousness and homesickness of their young charges, and the care they provide can lead to lasting memories for your own child.

Qualified Medical Personnel

You never know when a medical emergency will arise, and that is why it is important to ask about contingency plans and the medical qualifications of the staff. It is important that members of the camp leadership and the counselors themselves be certified in CPR and first aid, so do not be afraid to ask this vital question.

It is also important to let the camp know if your child has any specific medical challenges, including food allergies that could leave them vulnerable and put them in danger. If you have any concerns at all, let the counselors and leaders know long before the actual camping experience is set to begin.

Questions to ask when choosing a summer camp

What Are the Accommodations Like?

The accommodations at overnight camps can range from rustic all the way to luxurious, so think about the experience you want your child to have and choose your camp accordingly. If your child is the outdoorsy type, they may be perfectly happy pitching a tent, zipping up a sleeping bag, and spending the night under the stars. If your son or daughter has never slept anywhere but their own bed, a building with bunk beds may be a better fit.

If you can, you may want to visit the camp yourself so you can get a firsthand look at where your son or daughter will be sleeping. If you cannot visit the camp in person, you can check out photos of the living quarters and do your own advance research.

What Does a Typical Day at Camp Look Like?

Chances are a lot has changed since your own days at summer camp, and you may have only vague memories of what the actual days and nights were like. As you search for the perfect summer camp, ask the leaders what a typical day in the woods will look like, and how those young campers will wind down once the sun goes down.

Keep in mind that those days and nights can look different from what you are used to, so keep an open mind and listen carefully. Your goal is to help your child create their own happy memories, not to recreate your own sleepaway camp days.


The first night at sleepaway camp can be a revelation and a pivotal moment in the life of a young person. If you want your own child to have the same fond memories you do, finding the perfect summer camp is a good place to start, especially now that you know what to look for.


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