Рейтинг и основные моменты
- High-quality teaching and friendly staff
- Ideal location to study and explore
- Modern classrooms and lecture theatres
- Accommodation, classrooms, and dining on-site
- 12-17 есть
- Совместное образование
- Макс. кемперов
- английский язык
- Available from June 29th to August 10th
- Минимальное пребывание 1 день
- С 2011 года
Проживание и усилитель; удобства
Местоположение и контакты
Ближайший аэропорт
The nearest airport to NCG English Language Summer School Portsmouth is Heathrow & Gatwick. Airport pickup is available upon request. Airport pickup can be pre-arranged. Individuals and groups who have booked a transfer will be met at the airport by an NCG staff member or representative. All transfers will be in private coaches, minibuses or taxis. However, NCG does reserve the right, in special circumstances, to transport students on public transport accompanied by NCG staff if necessary. Please check your luggage allowance with your airline, but in any case, do not bring more than one suitcase and one piece of hand luggage
Available from June 29th to August 10th
Focused on Languages for an enriched camp experience.

5 звёзд | 0% | |
4 звезды | 0% | |
3 звезды | 0% | |
2 звезды | 0% | |
1 звезда | 0% |
К сожалению, ни один отзыв не соответствует вашему текущему выбору
Вопросы и ответы
Cancellations and RefundsWritten notification of cancellation must be submitted in order to provide refunds.Any deposits paid are non-refundable in case of any cancellation by the client A group deposit is a firm deposit per place and not a sum on account of the final invoice, i.e. if 30 places are booked and only 25 confirm, 5 deposits are lost.An installment payment for a group, however, is considered a part-payment of the final balance due, which will be adjusted to represent the actual number of places finally taken up, less any cancellation charges. info@newcollegegroup.com+44(0)161 233 4290www.newcollegegroup.com@newcollegegroup.com NCG Summer School Terms & Conditions Cancellation charges are as follows • More than 60 days before commencement: 20%• Between 60 days and 30 days before commencement: 50%• Less than 30 days before commencement: 100%If a replacement is found for a cancelling student (i.e. for the same dates and services) no cancellation charges will be made, but an amendment charge will be levied.Cancellation charges are not varied in case of illness, accident, bereavement etc. It is the customer or agent’s responsibility to ensure adequate insurance regarding cancellation.Cancellation charges apply not only for cancellation of the whole of the services booked, but alsoregarding cancellation of part of the services booked (e.g. any supplementary tours or transactions etc.) or of cancellation of part of the time period booked e.g. a reduction in the number of weeks or nights.There are no refunds appertaining to any services not taken up or cancelled by the customer during the programme (i.e. after arrival) e.g. in cases of late arrival, early departure (for whatever reason), illness, accident, absence or change of mind. The full invoice charge applies, even in the cases where the invoice remains to be settled. No refund is due in case of expulsion or suspension of a student from a programme for irregular, anti-social or disruptive behaviour.
Centre Manager – runs the whole school and makes sure you stay safe. • Director of Studies – organises testing and makes sure you are in the right class. • Activity Manager – organises activities and excursions. • Welfare Officer – makes sure you feel safe, happy and healthy. • Night Warden – makes sure you are safe during the night. • Teachers- provide engaging and enjoyable classes, and help you become a confident speaker of English. • Activity Leaders – run amazing and fun activities and excursions. Our friendly team are here to help you and make you feel safe and comfortable during your time atsummer school.
All teachers CELTA qualified or equivalent. All of our staff undergo background checks to ensure their suitability to work with children.
We take our responsibilities towards our students very seriously and work hard to ensure you stay safe while learning and having fun. All of our staff undergo background checks to ensure their suitability to work with children.
• Staff, students and Group Leaders wear different coloured lanyards – black for staff, yellow for students and purple for Group Leaders. • Students and Group Leaders are given an emergency number which can be contacted 24 hours a day. • Management staff and Activity Leaders wear NCG t-shirts in addition to their lanyard, so they are easily recognisable on campus. • Names and job roles of all NCG staff are displayed on a board so that students know who to go to if they need help. • We follow a 1:15 supervision ratio (1:18 in class) • We have qualified first-aiders on site.• On your first day you will receive an induction which will provide you with information regarding rules and behaviour, fire procedures and staying safe both on and off campus. • We have a Welfare Officer who is introduced to the students on arrival/at induction.
Student’s are allowed their own mobile phones on site.