
Dukes Cambridge Summer School

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Основные моменты


Join us in Cambridge this summer on our immersive pre-university programme.  Our career focused academic programmes are designed to give you the opportunity to experience what it is like to study your chosen subject at undergraduate level.  Taking place in one of the world's most famous university cities, you'll live and study at our own city-style campus.  With 7 different subject to choose from, combined with an action-packed social programme, this will be a summer to remember!

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Возрастной диапазон

15-17 есть


С июля по август

Минимальный срок пребывания

2 недели

Основной язык

английский язык

Количество отдыхающих

Максимум 125 человек


Совместное образование




С 2008 года


Outside the classroom, students have the opportunity to explore Cambridge. With the botanic gardens next door, and many Cambridge University colleges within a short walking distance, you will have an immersive study experience. Every evening there is an action-packed social programme available with a mixture of activities and events included. At the weekend you’ll visit London to see some of the capitals most iconic landmarks. At the end of the course, enjoy our formal graduation party.

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Академические науки

Faculty of Business
The Faculty of Business is where innovative ideas meet strategic thinking. This programmeme is crafted for aspiring business leaders who want to gain a deep understanding of the corporate world while developing the skills necessary to drive success in a fast-paced, global market.

Faculty of Medicine
The Faculty of Medicine offers a rigorous and immersive programmeme designed for students who aspire to make a difference in the field of healthcare. This course combines in-depth medical knowledge with practical skills, preparing you to take on the challenges of a medical career with confidence and compassion.

Faculty of Sciences and Technology
The Faculty of Science and Technology is where curiosity meets innovation. This programmeme is designed for students who are passionate about exploring the frontiers of science and applying technological solutions to solve complex problems. Through a blend of theory and hands-on experience, you’ll be prepared to tackle the challenges of tomorrow’s world.

Faculty of Social Sciences
The Faculty of Social Sciences is where critical thinking meets societal impact. This programmeme is designed for students eager to understand the complex forces shaping human behavior, society, and global issues. Through interdisciplinary study and real-world analysis, you’ll be equipped to tackle the challenges of today’s world and drive meaningful change.

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Проживание и усилитель; удобства

All students will live in our purpose-built student accommodation. All rooms are modern, single, en-suite with shared common space. Boys and girls are accommodated separately. Year-round, the accommodation is home to our sixth-form students. the accommodation is a short walk from the teaching campus and train station.Our teaching takes place at Sancton Wood school,a leading independent school in Cambridge. The on-site canteen, auditorium, and modern classrooms make this a fantastic learning environment for all of our students.

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Комната искусств
Классные комнаты
Компьютерный класс
Научная комната


The nearest airport to Dukes Cambridge Summer School is Stansted. Airport pickup is available upon request.

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Доступно с июля по август

Минимальный срок пребывания 2 недели


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Dukes Cambridge Summer School Dukes Cambridge Summer School
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1–4 из 4 отзывов
  1. Эта программа помогла мне принять решение о том, что я хочу изучать бизнес в университете. Мой преподаватель очень вдохновил меня, а опыт работы в промышленности показал мне возможности будущей карьеры.

    (0) (0)
  2. Это был потрясающий опыт, я приобрела много новых друзей. Персонал всегда заботлив... Я 100% рекомендую вам поехать в SBC, мне очень понравилось.

    (0) (0)
  3. Это был незабываемый опыт.

    (0) (0)
  4. Мои дети провели время всей своей жизни. Они любили своих учителей и многому научились.

    (0) (0)

Вопросы и ответы

Круглосуточная команда пасторов оказывает поддержку студентам на протяжении всего их пребывания в школе. Включена туристическая страховка.
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