
Malvern College Summer School

Вустершир, Малверн
Групповые поездки, Языковой лагерь, Ночной лагерь

Основные моменты


At Malvern College Summer School students enjoy a true taste of life at Malvern College. Our engaging and educational modules allow students to be in control of their learning, with classes led by our experienced College teaching staff.  Alongside the enriching classroom experience, the summer school offers a thrilling weekend of sightseeing in London, plus various day trips to local attractions.  Nestled in an area of outstanding natural beauty in the heart of England, Malvern College Summer School provides the perfect setting for a summer adventure filled with superb teaching, excellent pastoral care, and unforgettable experiences.

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Возрастной диапазон

10-16 соток


From 6th July to 10th August

Минимальный срок пребывания

2 недели

Основной язык

английский язык

Количество отдыхающих

Максимум 100 человек


Совместное образование




С 2012 года


Malvern College Summer School offers a variety of outdoor, performing arts, sports, and creative arts modules for students. Outdoor Pursuits provides opportunities for rock climbing, mountain biking, paddleboarding, hiking, and camping. Performing Arts focuses on musical theatre, drama, acting, and dance, culminating in a group performance. The Sports module offers coaching in swimming, basketball, football, tennis, and badminton, emphasizing skill development and teamwork. Creative Arts explores sculpting, mask-making, clay modelling, photography, and drawing, allowing students to experiment with different artistic mediums.

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Культурная оценка
Однодневные туры
английский как второй язык
Опыт истории
Кино и телевидение

Академические науки

New for 2025… engage in the fascinating world of STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics). In this hands-on module students explore how the world works through thrilling scientific, technological, and engineering projects designed by professionals. Students who select this new module will study the theory behind the magic and bring it to life with activities like drone flying, robotics, bridge and structure creation, computing, programming, and even slime making! Throughout the week students will test projects to discover if the world of STEM is where their strengths lie. With limited spots available, be sure to enrol early to secure places in this exciting new addition to the summer school!

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Уроки языка

Learn English and improve speaking, listening, reading and writing skills. English lessons will be interactive and engaging, based around thematic topics students will enjoy, from Technology to World Culture. As a Quality English accredited school we ensure that your child will receive the very best teaching, with classes of no more than 15. Students will be assessed on arrival and placed in classes depending on their ability. There is no minimum level of English required. From complete beginner to C2 level, our qualified EAL teachers will provide a stretching, challenging and supportive learning experience.

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15 часов занятий в неделю

Преподаваемые языки
английский язык


SUNDAY: arrival day.
WEEK 1: Monday to Friday, Breakfast /  Module 1 / Lunch / Module 2  / Break / Dinner / Evening Activities.
WEEKEND – London excursion including museum trip, Covent Garden, shopping in Oxford Street, restaurant meal, open top bus tour.
WEEK 2: Breakfast /  Module 1 / Lunch / Module 2  / Break / Dinner / Evening Activities. SATURDAY: Trip to local city (Oxford/Cardiff/Bristol/Birmingham).
SUNDAY: departure day

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Проживание и усилитель; удобства

One of the best parts of summer school is having a taste of English boarding school life. Accommodation is a mix of singles, twins and small dormitories in our traditional houses, with shared bathrooms facilities. Boarding houses are divided into Senior Boys, Senior Girls and Junior (12 and under), and each one is led by an experienced houseparent. Our exceptional pastoral team will be with your child every step of the way, and are focused on them departing with lifelong memories.

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Комната искусств
Баскетбольная площадка
Классные комнаты
Танцевальная студия
Игровая комната
Тренажерный зал


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The nearest airport to Malvern College Summer School is Birmingham. Airport pickup is available upon request. We provide a meet and greet service with transfers to and from London Heathrow and Birmingham Airports, on arrivals and departures days, for flights between 0800 and 1800. Transfers outside of these times, from other airports, and for Unaccompanied Minor bookings are available at additional cost.

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Available from 6th July to 10th August

Минимальный срок пребывания 2 недели


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Вопросы и ответы

Fees per week including VAT: £2195   /   Deposit: £500 due on registration    /   Balance: £1,695 due no later than 6 weeks before start date. Fees includes: tuition, accommodation, meals, activities, excursions, transfers from Birmingham International or London Heathrow Airports.

Our cancellation policy is available in our Terms and Conditions on our website.

PIF form to understand background of each students, dietary requirements catered for all  /  Ratios of staff to students  /  Email contact with parents and agents where necessary   /  Strong staff body with clear structure to ensure efficient, accurate reporting
15 to 1 (students to staff) on site / London 12 and under = 6 to 1 /London 13 and over 10 to 1

Students are always supervised, dependent on age this may be remote supervision at suitable times with older students (13+)   /  Clear staff structure pastoral assistants à Lead pastoral or House Parent (dependent on day or night)

PGCE or PGCE equivalent qualified teaching staff for all modules taught within MCSS  /  First aid qualified staff on site at all times

Once every quarter updates and specific policy for safeguarding children takes place online  /  Pre summer school a one-day induction in person training before the summer school to focus on: routines, emergency procedures, normal operating procedures, safeguard training updates etc

Once every quarter updates and specific policy for safeguarding children takes place online.   /  Pre summer school a one-day induction in person training before the summer school to focus on: routines, emergency procedures, normal operating procedures, safeguard training updates etc  /     Global summer school that aims to achieve 10% nationality balances throughout the duration of MCSS  /  Cultural mixing and encouragement to integrate and communicate with one another  /  Staff to encourage friendly relationships within the environment and report any issues that arise

Aligned with Malvern College code of conduct  /  Expect staff professionalism and care to be excellent at all times  /  Safeguarding of students is the highest priority

No mobile phones, held by staff in a safe area – only to be used for one hour a day to contact home in the evening  /  MCSS is to encourage the speaking of English and verbal communication with students

Фотографии Malvern College Summer School

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