
Wellington Riding

Viagens em Grupo, Acampamento para dormir

Classificação e destaques

Visão geral

Wellington Riding boasts some of the best equestrian facilities in the UK, featuring seven arenas, a tack shop, a café, and a clubhouse. The beautiful grounds are home to a variety of lovely ponies to ride. Children can create lasting memories b...


Junior Holidays at Wellington Riding cater to all abilities, featuring 3 hours of daily lessons that include flatwork, jumping, woodland rides and grooming. Fun evening activities are also part of each day.
Equitação - Inglês

Alojamento & instalações

Our accommodation is basic but totally suitable for this type of outdoor activity holiday – believe me, plush carpets don’t stay plush for very long once children have traipsed in and out with their muddy boots! Both cabins are fitted with Intru...
Sala de jantar
Arena de Equitação

Localização e contato

Aeroporto mais próximo

The nearest airport to Wellington Riding is London Heathrow. Airport pickup is not available. We don’t offer airport pick-up but our team can provide contact details for the parents to arrange, should they wish.




Available from 17th February to 21st October

Estadia mínima 1 semana
Specialty: Horseback riding

Focused on Horseback riding for an enriched camp experience.


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Wellington Riding Wellington Riding
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Perguntas e respostas

NON RESIDENTIAL FEB, MAY & OCT HALF TERM: 7-12 years £910 | 13-16 years £995NON-RESIDENTIAL EASTER: 7-12 years £910 | 13-16 £995NON RESIDENTIAL SUMMER HOLIDAYS (June – August): 7-12 years £1020 | 13 – 16 years £1095RESIDENTIAL SUMMER HOLIDAYS (June – August): 7-12 years £1569 | 13-16 years £1645Sibling discount: 10% is offered to younger brothers or sisters on holiday together on the main price (no extras i.e. English, Airport) Hat Hire (per week) £29.50

Wellington Riding reserves the right to cancel bookings for any reason beyond our control, in which case all monies paid will be refunded.  In the event that guests have to cancel, we require four weeks notice in writing to transfer the booking to a more suitable time during the same year at a cost of £25.  Refunds are not made. If the event that guests have to cancel outside 40 days, and they are unable to transfer to a more suitable time, they will forfeit their £200 deposit.  In the event that guests have to cancel within 40 days of the start date of their holiday, fees are due in full and no money will be returned.

O acampamento ainda precisa fornecer essas informações. Entre em contato com eles através desta página para solicitar mais informações.
O acampamento ainda precisa fornecer essas informações. Entre em contato com eles através desta página para solicitar mais informações.
O acampamento ainda precisa fornecer essas informações. Entre em contato com eles através desta página para solicitar mais informações.
O acampamento ainda precisa fornecer essas informações. Entre em contato com eles através desta página para solicitar mais informações.
O acampamento ainda precisa fornecer essas informações. Entre em contato com eles através desta página para solicitar mais informações.
O acampamento ainda precisa fornecer essas informações. Entre em contato com eles através desta página para solicitar mais informações.
O acampamento ainda precisa fornecer essas informações. Entre em contato com eles através desta página para solicitar mais informações.

We prefer children to leave valuable items like mobile phones, ipods and Ipads at home, but if you would prefer them to bring their phones with them they need to be handed in WITHOUT EXCEPTION, on arrival. The children will have access to their phones at lunchtime, but at all other times they will be kept safely in the office. If you are having trouble contacting your child, you can call the office during working hours on 01189 329308 for us to get a message to your child to call home; or; if it is an EMERGENCY, and out of office hours, the Supervisor has a mobile phone: 07826 708081. Please don’t worry if you haven’t heard from your child, it generally means that they are having far too much fun to remember to call!!! Any debit cards (please be aware we are cashless) will also be looked after in this way and should be handed in on arrival.

Fotos de Wellington Riding

Entre em contacto com Wellington Riding

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Email *
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Ao clicar em "Enviar", concorda com a nossa Política de Privacidade. A sua mensagem será partilhada de forma segura com o acampamento, que responderá diretamente.


Alojamento & instalações


Visão geral

Junior Holidays at Wellington Riding cater to all abilities, featuring 3 hours of daily lessons that include flatwork, jumping, woodland rides and grooming. Fun evening activities are also part of each day.

Atividades incluídas

Equitação - Inglês

Atividades opcionais

Equitação - Inglês


Lições de Línguas


7.30am Wake up call8.00am Breakfast9.00am Prepare your ponies for morning lessons10.00am First lesson (ride-out, flat or jump lesson)11.00am Stable management lecture12.00pm Lunch1.30pm Prepare ponies for afternoon lesson2.00pm Second lesson (ride-out, flat or jump lesson)3.00pm Third lesson (ride-out, flat or jump lesson)4.00pm Tack clean, tidy up and turnout the ponies5.00pm Dinner7.00pm Evening actitivities9.00pm Get ready for bed9.30pm Lights out (this will be earlier for younger children)