
Camp Twin Creeks

スリープアウェイ キャンプ



Yes, we are a summer camp, but we are also a Youth Development organization. Everything we do is based on our Youth Development Philosophy.  Sleepaway camp is about learning to be comfortable in the uncomfortable, but doing it in a safe, supportive environment. The four pillars of our Youth Development Philosophy guide our programming decisions, they are part of our staff training, and they are our true north in everything we do: Exploration Leads to Growth, Community is the Antidote to Loneliness, "Soft"Skills are the best skills, and Our Environment is our Best Educator. Read more about our Youth Development Philosophy on our website. This, combined with our stunning natural scenery, exceptional Leadership team, and intentional programming , make for memorable summer experiences for your camper.




From June 22nd to August 16





Nr of campers







Since 2001


At Camp Twin Creeks, programming is at the core of everything we do over the course of each 2 week session. Mornings are carefully and intentionally planned by our Program Director to ensure that campers have well-rounded activities, and that each camper gets to try every core activity offered at camp. Unlike specialty camps, we embrace a well-rounded approach, providing opportunities in sports, arts, and wilderness adventures. Our goal is to inspire campers to explore new interests and discover hidden talents, all while trying something different from what they might experience at home. Our programming spans 4 areas: Land Sports, Water Sports, Arts, and Adventure!


A Typical Day: 7:15am (optional)Polar Bear Club at the Pool followed by Hot Chocolate! 7.30am Wake Up 8:00am Breakfast followed by Flagpole 9:00am Cabin Clean Up 9:30am1st Activity Period (with your cabin) 10:30am 2nd Activity Period (with your cabin) 11:30am 3rd Activity Period (with your cabin) 12:30 Buffet Lunch1:15pmRest Hour 2:15pm Master Class 1. (Campers choose a special activity that they focus on during the entire 2-week session.) 3:15pm Snack (Snack Bars and Fresh Fruit) 3:30pm Master Class 2 4:30pm General Swim and Free time 5:15pm Shower Hour 6:00pm Dinner 6:30pm Flagpole and Free Play 7.30pm Evening Activity with your cabin friends 9:00pm Returns to Cabins and start to get ready for bed 9.30pmLights Out!


At Camp Twin Creeks, the heart of the camp experience is grounded in the comfort and community of our onsite cabins and historic facilities. Surrounded by the natural beauty of the Allegheny Mountains, our cabins offer a comfortable home-away-from-home for campers, designed to foster lifelong friendships and a deeper connection with nature. Our facilities ensure that every camper enjoys a safe, fun, and enriching environment throughout their stay. Discover how our cabins and facilities create the perfect backdrop for unforgettable summer memories. Campers stay in classic summer camp cabins. Bunk beds, cubbies for belongings next to their beds, with counselors present in cabins and that feel of a home away from home. All cabins have lights and electricity and have been recently refurbished with interior pine paneling.





The nearest airport to Camp Twin Creeks is Washington Dulles (IAD). Airport pickup is available upon request. Your camper will be met by a Camp Twin Creeks staff member immediately upon their arrival at International Arrivals, after they go through customs. We will call you when we meet them and again when they arrive at camp. The $300 transportation fee covers the round trip from Dulles to Camp and back again. This includes round trip airport transportation and chaperone service, bedding and towels, luggage coordination, laundry, Camp Twin Creeks t-shirt, canteen and miscellaneous supplies as needed.

Contact this camp



Available from June 22nd to August 16

最低滞在日数 1週間


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レビュー 5 件中 1-5 件
  1. キャンプ・ツイン・クリークスは、私の2人の娘にとって、この夏、素晴らしい経験となりました!娘たちにとって初めてのお泊まりキャンプでしたが、スタッフの方々の対応や、娘たち一人ひとりへの配慮に感激しました。下の娘にはドリームウィークというオプションが気に入り、結局2週間フルに滞在しました! 娘たちはすでに来年の夏に戻るのを楽しみにしています。

    (2) (0)
  2. 私たちの2人の娘(8歳と11歳)はこの夏初めてキャンプに参加し、素晴らしい体験をしました! 帰りの車ではキャンプでのクレイジーな話で盛り上がり、心に残る友情や思い出ができたようです。 カウンセラーの方々は娘たちの面倒をよく見てくださり、本当に大切に思ってくれているのが伝わってきました。 すでに来年の予約をしています!

    (1) (0)
  3. Camp Twin Creeks is my kids’ summer home since they were 7 years old! Even in the first year, any anxieties were gone by the time the first letter arrived. Their staff and counselors do such an amazing job and getting kids acclimated, detached from electronics, and back to being the carefree kids that they need to be. My kids are now in their 7th and 8th year and my oldest will be a Junior Counselor. She missed one summer thinking she’d rather stay home and hang out with friends. What she discovered is that there is truly no place like camp and the relationships built there – and that’s saying a lot of a 16 year old girl to come that conclusion on her own. I highly recommend camp – a truly one of a kind experience that they will never get to relive.

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  4. My 9 year old went to this Camp Twin Creeks summer 2023 for 2 weeks. I was petrified to let him go for so long, but he really wanted to do it. I was reassured, however, by how ORGANIZED they were and how many reminders they were sending for things I had not even thought about. We had a death in the family in February and Hannah and Iain were so so compassionate about the fact some of our forms were late, etc. The transportation (buses from Dulles) was seamless. There were photos sent multiple times a day. My son was in a small group with a small ratio of counselors to kids and made friends that he wants to see again next summer! He said the food was great. In all, he came back a more mature and happy kid who can’t wait to go back again next year.

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  5. When I began researching sleep away camps, I wanted to find a place where the kids would be excited to return each summer. We miss them like crazy, but we know the kids are living their best lives at Camp Twin Creeks! I appreciated my first conversation with the Camp Director, Iain, who answered all of my questions and made me feel very comfortable with sending my kids away for two weeks! Camp Twin Creeks is a place where everyone is welcome as part of the camp community – the staff is committed to the growth, development, safety and belonging for each individual. Communication with family members – before, during and after camp is strong. I love the daily pictures and have appreciated updates from counselors.
    I have a boy and a girl – and so I was looking for a co-ed camp. We started the kids at age 8 – and felt most comfortable with a two-week program. Camp Twin Creeks offers 4, two-week sessions – campers start and end the session together. The first week allows kids to adjust and get comfortable, and the second week allows them to just enjoy! My kids love the variety of activities and try a little bit of everything – sports, arts, dance, chess, camping, water activities, hiking – they have done Master Classes in watercolors, bead bracelet making, archery, basketball and chess. They have quickly formed friendships at camp and look forward to seeing the same faces year after year. There is so much beautiful space for the kids to play and explore. The kids grow so much during the two weeks they are at camp – and come home a bit more independent. There are so many camps to choose from – Camp Twin Creeks has been a great match for our family!

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Tuition includes the following invaluable aspects: community living and learning,opportunities for unstructured play in a safe place, problem solving with peers,exposure to nature, limited exposure to screens and devices, camp community, ahome away from home, role models in the form of young adults who inspire andguide and much more…

A $1000 deposit is required upon submission of the application. All tuition and fees are refundable until February 1, and fees are refundable until April 1.

We are an ACA accredited camp. Each session, 2 or 3 nurses run our on-site Health Center. Each Camp Nurse is typically an RN, works in the field at home, and brings their own children with them while they work a session at camp! We also have a physician on call 24/7, as well as a longstanding relationship with our local Urgent Care and Hospital. Our on-site health center is a standalone facility that offers housing for our nurses as well as any inpatients during the summer sessions. All medication on camp is stored in the health center, and administered by our camp nurses.
Counselors live in cabins alongside 8-12 campers, ensuring that they are not only safe but also happy, engaged, and well-cared-for throughout their stay. While the primary responsibility is the well-being of the campers, the roles at camp are incredibly diverse, offering a range of opportunities to contribute to the magic of camp life.  Each age division has Group Leaders, who manage and oversee counselors in those cabins, and each age division has a Head Counselor who leads each division. Head Counselors and Group Leaders make up part of our Leadership team, who also include longtime-staff members who have been with camp for the past 10, 15, even 25 years! Our Directors have been with Camp Twin Creeks since we opened in 2001.
Counselors are required to have completed their first year of college, and go through a hiring process including the completion of an initial application and a series of interviews. Counselors should have prior experience working with children or teaching the activity they hope to teach at camp.
All staff members arrive one week early for a full week of staff training and orientation on site. Staff training covers topics ranging from professional development to emergency procedures, and goes extensively into how to be the best support systems and care takers for incoming campers.
Our staff training week spends significant time talking about acceptance, inclusion and our goals for every member of our community to feel safe, happy, comfortable.  We build a team of counselors to best resemble our camper population; a population that is rich in variety and diversity from both the both US and upwards of 10-12 international markets every summer.
Families are asked to read and acknowledge our code of conduct prior to the summer.  This code ensures that all campers are aware of and will  follow our guidelines.  On the first day of a camp session, community discussions also take place to allow campers to fully understand the camp environment and the expectations for behaviors and actions that we have.
We are a technology free campus, and encourage campers to leave their phones at home.

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