- 卓越した人格形成
- 各キャンパーに合わせた個別の配慮
- 高度な訓練を受けたスタッフ
- Beautiful wilderness location
Camp Chippewa is a non-profit summer camp for boys located in the Chippewa National Forest in northern Minnesota. Our carefully developed program promotes campers’ emotional and physical growth, develops confidence, and encourages friendships with fellow campers and counselors from around the globe. Camp Chippewa’s location in an expansive forest surrounded by two pristine lakes provides boys a respite from technology and hurried pace of 21st century living. A limited enrollment of 75 campers creates a tight-knit community in which everyone’s names are known and instruction is individually tailored to each camper. The in-camp program allows each camper to select their own schedule of activities including archery, riflery, climbing, sailing, swimming, soccer, tennis, fencing, and canoeing. Camp Chippewa is renowned for its out-of-camp canoe tripping program. Campers enjoy overnight canoe trips that increase in length as they return to camp each summer. Progressively longer trips in the wilderness of Northern Minnesota and Canada are the perfect environment for campers to build resilience, teamwork, confidence, and leadership, all while making lifelong memories. The evolution from an overnight camping trip to a nearby island at age eight to a three-week wilderness expedition to Hudson Bay at age 17 is intentionally crafted to foster growth and create coming-of-age opportunities for the boys as they advance. The camaraderie, accomplishment, and adventure experienced in the outdoors are often the boys’ summer highlights. Since 1935, Camp Chippewa’s mission has been to develop Character, through Adventure, inspired by Tradition. Today we remain the premiere opportunity for young people to experience the outdoors, build lifelong skills, and grow into more resilient leaders.
From June to August
キャンプ チペワでは、生涯にわたるさまざまなアクティビティを提供しています。安全を確保し、成長を促進し、自発的に習得できるようにし、生涯楽しめるよう、優れた施設と設備を個別指導とともに活用しています。キャンパーは、アーチェリー、セーリング、テニス、登山、ライフル射撃、フェンシング、水泳、カヌー、サッカー、水上スキー、ウェイクボード、トラップ射撃、ボルダリングなどのアクティビティから自分の毎日のスケジュールを選択します。キャンパーは毎日、バスケットボール、釣り、スタンドアップパドルボード、カヤック、卓球などのアクティビティを自由に楽しめる「フリータイム」も楽しんでいます。特別なアクティビティには、スキャッターボール、カウンセラー ハント、キャプチャ ザ フラッグ、シーダー アイランドへの冒険などが含まれます。
Morning: Flag raising (8:10), breakfast (8:20), inspection (9:00), activities (10:00-12:00)Afternoon: Lunch (12:30), rest (1:15), activities (2:00-5:00), free swim (5:00)Evening: Dinner (6:00), evening activities (7:00), lights out (9:30 lower/middle camp, 9:45 upper camp)
キャンパーはキャス湖の岸辺にある素朴な小屋で寝ます。ベッドは二段になっておらず、各キャンパーには衣服やギアを置くための独自の個人スペースがあります。各キャビンにはスタッフ 2 名とキャンプ参加者 6 ~ 8 名が宿泊します。窓を開けると、新鮮な空気と海岸の波の音を取り込むことができます。
The nearest airport to Camp Chippewa for Boys is Minneapolis-St. Paul International Airport (MSP). Airport pickup is available upon request. Campers will be met by staff at their arrival gates in MSP airport. Camp Chippewa charters a bus to transport campers from MSP airport to Camp Chippewa’s location in Cass Lake, MN

5つ星 | 100 | 100% |
4つ星 | 0% | |
3つ星 | 0% | |
2つ星 | 0% | |
1つ星 | 0% |
登録は 12 月 1 日より前にキャンセルでき、すべての支払いから 75 ドルの管理手数料を差し引いて返金されます。 12月1日以降のキャンセルの場合、最初の900ドルの保証金を除き、返金されます。保証金はキャンプ・チペワ奨学金基金に送金されるか、翌年の連続シーズンのキャンピングカーの使用のために予約されます。 4月1日以降のキャンセルにつきましては返金致しません。資金は翌年の連続シーズンのキャンピングカーの使用のために確保されます。予約資金が翌年の連続シーズンに使用されなかった場合、その資金はキャンプ・チペワ奨学金基金に送られます。
Camp Chippewa boasts a 1:3 counselor to camper ratio. Every activity is supervised, but staff are never alone with a camper. Contact the director for more information (sam@campchippewa.com).
Counselors must attend a full staff training, including obtaining a certification from the American Red Cross in Lifeguarding, CPR, and First Aid. Staff must be 19 and have completed one year of college. More than 50% of staff have attended Camp Chippewa as a camper.
Yes, and the backgrounds exceed requirements at the state and national level.
We personally train staff over two weeks, including a three-day Youth Development Training with Dr. Tina Payne Bryson.
Contact the director for more information (sam@campchippewa.com).
We have a Camper Code of Conduct policy, and full supervision policies. Contact the director for more information (sam@campchippewa.com).
Camp Chippewa is a screen-free environment.