Campi linguistici negli Stati Uniti

Campi linguistici negli Stati Uniti

I migliori campi estivi per sole ragazze in USA
Scegli la lingua, prenota e vai: noi lo rendiamo semplice

Se sei interessato a trovare i campi linguistici più eccezionali per bambini e adolescenti negli Stati Uniti, di seguito trovi un elenco dei programmi più apprezzati che offrono un'eccezionale opportunità ai giovani di migliorare la loro conoscenza dell'inglese americano. I nostri programmi meticolosamente selezionati aderiscono a standard rigorosi, garantendo che i bambini a tutti i livelli ricevano un'istruzione della massima qualità e possano godere di tutto ciò che l'America ha da offrire, compresi i suoi paesaggi mozzafiato, le attività dinamiche, la cultura vivace e gli scenari naturali mozzafiato.

Per saperne di più
I migliori campi linguistici in America
Scoprite i migliori campi linguistici per bambini e ragazzi in America. Scegliamo sempre con cura i nostri programmi per assicurarci che soddisfino i nostri standard elevati.

Cosa dicono le famiglie Campi linguistici negli Stati Uniti

Immagini del cliente

Immagine #1 da UK Football trials
Immagine #1 da Mason Gerry
Immagine #1 da UK Football trials

UK Football trials

We average 4.9 out of 5 from over 1100 reviews!

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Immagine #1 da Mason Gerry

Mason Gerry

My Global Leadership Adventures (GLA) trip was fun and maybe even the best trip I ever took. My two friends and I did the program in the Dominican Republic, and the minute we arrived, I knew everything was going to be awesome. GLA provided just the right mix of leadership development, meaningful service work, and cultural immersion more than I had hoped. The best aspect of my experience was the direct service work. Whereas other programs touch on the fringe, GLA ensured that what we were doing counted and would remain. We were actively engaging with the local communities, working on projects which actually addressed a need. Whether we were building infrastructure, teaching English, or engaging in environmental work, I felt our efforts truly did count. Being able to directly observe the actual impact of our work was both humbling and rewarding. Along with the service projects, GLA also offered incredible cultural immersion. From the homestay experience to language lessons and local excursions, I was deeply immersed in the culture. My highlight was swimming on the beach, watching turtles and dolphins in their natural environment, and exploring the beautiful surroundings. These excursions made the experience even more special and gave us a chance to appreciate the natural beauty of the Dominican Republic. The other highlight of this trip was the people. Not only did I have the pleasure of meeting fantastic people in my group, but I also formed connections with locals that felt real and true. The friendships that I formed, both with travelers and the local residents, made this experience that much more unforgettable. GLA also emphasized leadership development. Each day, we had leadership training that challenged us to think critically, reflect on our experiences, and grow as individuals. The mentors were incredible—smart, caring, and genuinely interested in our growth. They challenged us to step up, take charge, and develop skills that will serve us well long after this program. If I had to select one thing that I wish I had known before going, it would be to come with friends although not needed it makes it a lot easier. Being with your friends makes you more outgoing and easier to connect with Overall, GLA exceeded my expectations in every way. It was the best trip I've ever been on, with adventure, learning, and experiences that I'll never forget. I came back with new friends, a broader perspective on world issues, and greater confidence in my leadership abilities. If you are looking for an experience that is half-adventure, half-service, and half-personal growth, then GLA is well worth the investment. I would strongly suggest it to anyone who wants an impactful way to make a positive difference while honing their leadership and global citizenship abilities.

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Immagine #1 da UK Football trials
Immagine #1 da Mason Gerry
Recensione 1-5 di 536
  1. SL

    Il Camp Twin Creeks è stata un'esperienza straordinaria quest'estate per le mie due figlie! Era la prima volta che andavano al campo e siamo rimasti entusiasti del personale e dell'attenzione individuale che le ragazze hanno ricevuto. Ci è piaciuta molto l'opzione della settimana da sogno per la nostra figlia più piccola, che ha finito per rimanere per tutte e due le settimane perché le è piaciuta così tanto! Non vedono l'ora di tornare la prossima estate.

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  2. AK

    Amy ha frequentato il Summer Discovery nel 1995 all'UVM, dove ha studiato arte ed educazione fisica. Specializzata in biologia, ha usato l'arte come valvola di sfogo durante il suo percorso pre-medico alla Brown University. Amy ha poi conseguito la laurea in medicina ed è diventata chirurgo plastico oculofacciale e oftalmologo certificato dal Board. Oggi possiede e gestisce un proprio studio a Jacksonville, in Florida.

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  3. N

    Voglio ringraziarvi ancora per queste 2 settimane con Sergey! Ho sentito un rapporto molto speciale e lo apprezziamo molto!
    Sergey non smette di parlare del campo, ha un sacco di bei ricordi e vuole tornare l'anno prossimo ????
    Saremo felici di vedervi a Mosca e di mostrarvi qualcosa di speciale.

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  4. HF

    This was the first year my daughter attended a 5 week session. She had never been to Green Cove. It took her a couple of weeks to get acclimated but once she did, she didn’t want to leave. She had an amazing experience and is already signed up for next year. She’s a Green Cove girl through and through!

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  5. KK

    My daughter attended camp here for 3 years. What a wonderful place with fantastic staff in a beautiful setting.

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