
Camps d'été

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Populaire en Amérique

Découvrez nos recherches les plus populaires et les meilleures colonies de vacances en Amérique.

Best Summer Camps in the World

Les meilleures colonies de vacances du choix des parents

Notre sélection des meilleures colonies de vacances du monde.

L'aventure de votre prochain enfant

Trouver une colonie de vacances en Europe

Explorer l'Asie et l'Océanie


Parents' Choice Best of the Best Camps 2025

Découvrez dès à présent notre sélection des meilleures colonies de vacances du monde.

Ce que disent les parents

1-5 de 50 avis
  1. SL

    Camp Twin Creeks was an amazing experience this summer for my two daughters! This was their first time at sleep away camp and we were thrilled with the staff and the individual attention the girls received. We loved the Dream Week option for our younger daughter, she ended up staying the full two weeks because she loved it so much! They are already looking forward to returning next summer.

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  2. F

    Bede’s is a great school and I recommend it! The teachers and staff are great and I liked my room and the house. There are a lot of nationalities so you can make a lot of friends! We had fun and the weeks went by really fast! Bede’s is the best summer school!

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  3. K

    One of the best experiences I’ve ever had. Not only did I improve my English skills, but I also met a lot of amazing people who will stay in my memory for a long time. Every aspect of this summer school was perfect and I loved every second of it.

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  4. E

    Bede’s is a good school to make new friends and to discover new places. This summer school is really good for people who want to learn. My favourite part was the research project because we got the opportunity to have more freedom from the format and the script.

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  5. M

    It’s an amazing opportunity to improve your language and also great to get to know people and their cultures.

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