ISSOS International Summer Schools – St Andrews

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Rating and highlights

Vue d'ensemble

Our award winning, all-inclusive summer school experience offershigh school students aged 13 - 18 the opportunity to combine learning, creative enrichment and action-packed adventure at the world renowned universities of St Andrews, Cambridge an...


Golf, Tennis, Kayaking, Paddleboarding, Football, Yoga, Day trips, Water Park, Clan events, Dodge-ball, Scottish Country Dancing, Debate events, Variety Show, Final Night Dance, Bowling, Theatre performance, Workshops, Beach Activities and much ...

Accommodation & facilities

All of our students are housed in the University halls of residence, in an area exclusive to ISSOS, where the student groups are divided by gender and also by age range. Each student will be allocated a shared or single room. The majority of roo...
Salles de classe
Salle à manger
Salle de jeux
Terrain de golf
Cour de tennis

Location and contact

The nearest airport to ISSOS International Summer Schools – St Andrews is Edinburgh. Airport pickup is available upon request.



Available from July to August

Minimum stay 3 semaines
This is a rare find for Languages

Especially loved for the activity: Languages.


Ajouter un avis
ISSOS International Summer Schools - St Andrews ISSOS International Summer Schools - St Andrews
* L‘évaluation est obligatoire
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Basé sur 3 avis
5 étoiles
4 étoiles
3 étoiles
2 étoiles
1 étoile
1-3 de 3 avis
  1. The summers that I spent at ISSOS were the best summers of my life. I met incredible people that I’ll never forget. Every minute I spent at ISSOS was priceless and filled with joy, happiness and laughter, and I will forever be grateful to be part of the ISSOS family

    (0) (0)
  2. Our daughter made so much progress at ISSOS. Her English improved significantly, she has a wonderful network of friends from all over the world, and she feels confident about applying to university. ISSOS is a brilliant experience and we would recommend it to everyone,

    (0) (0)
  3. Mes trois enfants ont participé à l'ISSOS et l'expérience a été extraordinaire à chaque fois. Ils ont tous beaucoup voyagé, mais lorsque vous leur demandez quels ont été leurs voyages les plus marquants, ils répondent tous qu'ISSOS a été l'une des meilleures expériences de leur vie. Ils y ont noué des amitiés qu'ils conservent encore aujourd'hui. Ce programme est merveilleux et je le recommande vivement.

    (0) (0)


Tout au long du programme de trois semaines, nos étudiants sont bien encadrés à tout moment, depuis le moment où nous venons les chercher jusqu'à celui où ils quittent nos campus. Nous donnons à nos étudiants la liberté d'explorer leur indépendance dans un environnement sûr et sécurisé, et tout le personnel de nos cours d'été passe les vérifications légales requises pour travailler avec des jeunes.
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The camp still needs to provide this information. Please get in touch with them through this page to request more info.
The camp still needs to provide this information. Please get in touch with them through this page to request more info.
The camp still needs to provide this information. Please get in touch with them through this page to request more info.
The camp still needs to provide this information. Please get in touch with them through this page to request more info.
The camp still needs to provide this information. Please get in touch with them through this page to request more info.
The camp still needs to provide this information. Please get in touch with them through this page to request more info.



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Photos of ISSOS International Summer Schools – St Andrews

À propos de

Accomodation & facilities

Best of the Best Award World Camps

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Vue d'ensemble

Golf, tennis, kayak, paddleboard, football, yoga, excursions d'une journée, parc aquatique, événements claniques, balle au prisonnier, danse écossaise, débats, spectacle de variétés, soirée dansante, bowling, représentations théâtrales, ateliers, activités de plage et bien d'autres choses encore !


Cours de langues


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