Aiglon Summer School

- Großartiges Programm
- Verschiedene Aktivitäten
- Erleben Sie
- Sichere Umgebung
Focused on Football for an enriched camp experience.
Die Welt ist offen für Entdeckungen. Wenn Schüler an der Aiglon Summer School teilnehmen, werden sie nicht nur zu Lernenden, sondern auch zu Entdeckern. Unser reichhaltiger Unterricht in Kombination mit einzigartigen Abenteuern in der freien Natur sorgt dafür, dass sie selbstbewusst, fähig und bereit für alles Weitere sind.
Unsere Schüler und Eltern würden zustimmen, dass die Aiglon Summer School Erfahrung ein einzigartiger erster Schritt auf einer faszinierenden Reise ist. Ob als Schnupperer in Anbetracht der Anwendung auf unsere volle akademische Jahr, oder einfach nur, um eine neue Perspektive in diesem schönen Teil der Welt zu erhalten, werden die Schüler im Alter von 8-17 finden ihre Erfahrungen sind eine ideale Vorbereitung für die Herausforderungen, die vor uns, mit enormen Spaß zu haben zu sein!
Die Schüler profitieren von der gleichen Fürsorge und Kameradschaft wie in unserem Internatssystem; sie werden von Hauseltern betreut, die sich aufrichtig um ihre Schüler kümmern - ganz gleich, wie kurz ihr Aufenthalt ist -, und sie knüpfen Kontakte zu ihren Mitschülern, während sie an hausinternen Wettbewerbsaktivitäten teilnehmen. Die Schüler verlassen Aiglon mit dem Gefühl des Stolzes, als Mitglied ihres Hauses akzeptiert worden zu sein.
Aiglon’s Classic programme offers younger students a dynamic blend of academics, sports, and creativity. Courses like English, French, and science foster ∂dramhands-on learning, while outdoor activities promote teamwork and personal growth. This holistic experience encourages students to explore new interests in a supportive environment.
Students select their morning courses, and then participate in a range of afternoon and evening activities and an expedition.
THE EAGLE Ages 13 - 16
Aiglon's Eagle programme, designed for older students, provides more advanced academic and leadership challenges. With courses like entrepreneurship, photography, and leadership, it equips students with key life skills while still promoting fun and active engagement with sports and outdoor adventures.
Students select their morning courses, and then participate in a range of afternoon and evening activities and an expedition.
KICKOFF Ages 10 -16
Our exclusive partnership with Manchester City Football School offers an unparalleled opportunity.
Training sessions follow a specialised curriculum – the City Play Model – providing players with insights into the team's playing philosophy and methodology. Interactive off-field workshops allow players to learn more about football education topics that help support player development and performance.
We recommend students join for one week of the dedicated football programme, Kickoff, followed by a second week and continue as a student in the Classic or Eagle programmes.
Packing Considerations: For Kickoff, please can we add students to bring football boots (ideally not new and already worn and suitable for artificial grass), shin pads, training/running shoes (for indoor activity).
The Summer School provides a Manchester City football kit as part of the course, and students can take this home. This includes 2 x t-shirts, shorts, socks, sports jumper and sports trousers. The students are expected to wear this each day for the football course, then their own casual clothes in the evening if they are residential students.
ADVENTURE Ages 8 - 16
A one-week course focusing on hiking, rock climbing and campcraft in the Swiss Alps, including a two-day hiking and climbing adventure. The course will teach survival skills with plenty of practical mountaineering tips. For students with a good level of fitness and love for the outdoors!
Time out on the mountain, hiking and developing skills such as map reading, and identifying flowers and animals. Learning to understand and grade hikes all lead to planning and embarking on a Swiss mountain expedition.
Packing Considerations: a rucksack, waterproof jacket, fleece or insulated down jacket, hiking trousers (x2), a pair of strong walking boots, walking socks, sleeping bag and mat, torch, sunglasses, water bottle, warm hat.
RIDE Ages 12 - 16
A one week course focusing on mountain biking in the Swiss Alps, including a night away on a two-day mountain biking adventure.
The course will teach bike skills, bike maintenance and downhill performance, whilst building student stamina. For students with prior mountain biking experience, ready to take their skills to the next level! Students will learn both how to get the most from their bike as well as explore and plan journeys through our local area.
Packing Requirements: Downhill mountain biking clothing and protection equipment. You are welcome to bring your own full-suspension bike, or use an Aiglon-provided bike.
8-16 sind
From 21 June 2025 to 01 August 2025
1 Woche
Aus $2,153
Maximal 400 Camper
Kunst, Lagerhandwerk, Teamspiele, Theater, Orientierungslauf, Wandern, Schwimmen, Bowling, Klettern (drinnen und draußen), Golf, Minigolf, Kochen, Schlittschuhlaufen, River Rafting, Canyoning (ältere Schüler), Tennis, Stand Up Paddle Boarding, Wakesurf, Body Board, Surfen (ältere Schüler), Brückenschaukel, Real Fly (für ältere Schüler), Kajak, Trampolin, Design Challenge
Wissenschaft und Technik Explorer
Herausforderungskurs für Führungskräfte
Sportlehrgang (einschließlich Mannschaftssportarten, Tennis und Golf)
Interaktives Französisch (Anfänger bis Fortgeschrittene), Interaktives Englisch (Anfänger bis Fortgeschrittene)
Our non-residential programme is also a great option. Students join every day (from the day after opening day) from 08:30 – 17:30.
KICKOFF Programme Schedule:
Saturday (Day 1) – Introduction
• Practical Session 1: Residential Students Arrival
Sunday (Day 2) – Welcome to Man City & Individual Technique
• Practical Session 1: Master the Ball
• Theory Session 1: Strength & Conditioning
• Practical Session 2: Master the Ball
• Theory Session 2: Physical Testing
Monday (Day 3) – Individual Performance
• Practical Session 1: Play with Style
• Theory Session 1: Nutrition
• Practical Session 2: Play with Style
• Theory Session 2: Wellbeing
Tuesday (Day 4) – Team Development
• Practical Session 1: Dominate the Game
• Theory Session 1: How Man City Play
• Practical Session 2: Dominate the Game
• Theory Session 2: Watch Your Play
Wednesday (Day 5) – Team Play
• Practical Session 1: Game Play
• Theory Session 1: Players’ Roles
• Practical Session 2: Game Play
• Theory Session 2: Communication & Media
Thursday (Day 6) – Reflection
• Practical Session 1: Games
• Theory Session 1: Awards
• Practical Session 2: Presentation
• Theory Session 2: Closing Presentation
Friday (Day 7) – Residential Student Departure or Excursion Day
Saturday (Day 1) – Welcome
• Activity: Arrival & Welcome (new residential students)
Sunday (Day 2) – Protection
• Activity: Arrival & Welcome (day students)
• Fire Making with Campfire Lunch
• Foraging in the Wild
• Scavenger Hunt / Reflection
Monday (Day 3) – Rescue
• Orienteering & Map Reading
• Signal & Communication
• Mountain Safety
• River Crossing
Tuesday (Day 4) – Adventure Camp
• Overnight Adventure (Off-Campus)
• Rescue & SOS Challenge
• Survival Tools
• Climbing Adventure, Ropes & Knots
• Animal Tracking & Camouflage
• Shelter Building
• Mountain Hike
• Wilderness Cooking
Wednesday (Day 5) – Adventure Camp
(Continuation of Overnight Adventure activities)
Thursday (Day 6) – Water
• Water Purification
• Raft Building
• First Aid
• Survival Swimming
• Closing Ceremony
Friday (Day 7) – Challenge
• **Departure Day (some students)
• **Wild Survival Challenge (remaining students)
RIDE Schedule:
Saturday Day 1 –
Arrival and Welcome for new residential students
Sunday Day 2 –
Arrival & Welcome (day students)
Icebreaker games and Equipment check
Skills practise and visit local bike park
Monday Day 3 –
Bikepark skills session – time to practise the technique
Tuesday Day 4 & Wednesday Day 5 –
An overnight off campus! A two-day adventure to Europe’s biggest bikepark! Located across the Swiss and French alps – Les Portes du Soleil.
Thursday Day 6 –
Athlete performance session to develop training goals
UCI visit with pumptrack session
Evening – Closing Ceremony
Friday Day 7 –
Departure day for some students
For those staying another week at Summer School – Bike park adventure day
Unterkunft & Einrichtungen
Chalets - Häuser als Boarding Houses

5 Sterne | 100 | 100% |
4 Sterne | 0% | |
3 Sterne | 0% | |
2 Sterne | 0% | |
1 Stern | 0% |
Leider entsprechen keine Rezensionen deiner aktuellen Auswahl
Meine beiden Kinder kamen von der Summer School in Aiglon zurück und sind begeistert von der Erfahrung, sie freuen sich schon darauf, nächsten Sommer wieder nach Aiglon zu kommen.
Mit meinen neuen Freunden zu zelten war genial, aber am nächsten Morgen Croissants vor unserem Zelt zu essen war wahrscheinlich das beste Frühstück, das ich je hatte!
Ich hatte eine wirklich wunderbare Zeit bei Aiglon. Ich habe so viele neue Freunde gefunden - aus der ganzen Welt!